journal articles JUQ Data-driven rules for multidimensional reflection problems Sören Christensen, Asbjørn Holk Thomsen, and Lukas Trottner SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantif., 2024 arXiv Bib HTML @article{christensen23, author = {Christensen, S{\"o}ren and Thomsen, Asbj{\o}rn Holk and Trottner, Lukas}, journal = {SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantif.}, title = {Data-driven rules for multidimensional reflection problems}, year = {2024}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {1240-1272}, } TAMS Markov additive friendships Leif Döring, Lukas Trottner, and Alexander R. Watson Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2024 arXiv Bib HTML @article{doering23b, author = {D{\"o}ring, Leif and Trottner, Lukas and Watson, Alexander R.}, journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, title = {Markov additive friendships}, volume = {377}, number = {11}, year = {2024}, } BLMS The uniqueness of the Wiener–Hopf factorisation of Lévy processes and random walks Leif Döring, Mladen Savov, Lukas Trottner, and Alexander R. Watson Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 2024 arXiv Bib HTML @article{doering23c, author = {D{\"o}ring, Leif and Savov, Mladen and Trottner, Lukas and Watson, Alexander R.}, journal = {Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.}, title = {The uniqueness of the Wiener--Hopf factorisation of L{\'e}vy processes and random walks}, volume = {56}, number = {9}, pages = {2951–2968}, year = {2024}, } IMAIAI Covariate shift in nonparametric regression with Markovian design Lukas Trottner Inf. Inference, 2024 arXiv Bib HTML @article{trottner24, author = {Trottner, Lukas}, fjournal = {Information and Inference. A Journal of the IMA}, issn = {2049-8764,2049-8772}, journal = {Inf. Inference}, number = {2}, pages = {Paper No. iaae011}, title = {Covariate shift in nonparametric regression with {M}arkovian design}, volume = {13}, year = {2024}, } Bernoulli Learning to reflect: A unifying approach for data-driven stochastic control strategies Sören Christensen, Claudia Strauch, and Lukas Trottner Bernoulli, 2024 Bib HTML @article{chr24, author = {Christensen, S\"{o}ren and Strauch, Claudia and Trottner, Lukas}, fjournal = {Bernoulli}, journal = {Bernoulli}, number = {3}, pages = {2074--2101}, title = {Learning to reflect: {A} unifying approach for data-driven stochastic control strategies}, url = {}, volume = {30}, year = {2024}, } AOAP Stability of overshoots of Markov additive processes Leif Döring, and Lukas Trottner Ann. Appl. Probab., 2023 arXiv Bib HTML @article{doering23, author = {D\"{o}ring, Leif and Trottner, Lukas}, fjournal = {The Annals of Applied Probability}, issn = {1050-5164,2168-8737}, journal = {Ann. Appl. Probab.}, mrclass = {60J25 (37A25 62M05)}, mrnumber = {4677737}, number = {6B}, pages = {5413--5458}, title = {Stability of overshoots of {M}arkov additive processes}, volume = {33}, year = {2023}, } JMLR Concentration analysis of multivariate elliptic diffusions Lukas Trottner, Cathrine Aeckerle-Willems, and Claudia Strauch J. Mach. Learn. Res., 2023 Bib HTML @article{trottner23, author = {Trottner, Lukas and Aeckerle-Willems, Cathrine and Strauch, Claudia}, issn = {1532-4435}, journal = {J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, pages = {Paper No. 106, pp. 1--38}, title = {Concentration analysis of multivariate elliptic diffusions}, volume = {24}, year = {2023}, } AIHP Adaptive invariant density estimation for continuous-time mixing Markov processes under sup-norm risk Niklas Dexheimer, Claudia Strauch, and Lukas Trottner Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat., 2022 Bib HTML @article{dexheimer22, author = {Dexheimer, Niklas and Strauch, Claudia and Trottner, Lukas}, fjournal = {Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'{e} Probabilit\'{e}s et Statistiques}, issn = {0246-0203}, journal = {Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar\'{e} Probab. Stat.}, mrclass = {62M05 (60G10 60J25 62G05 62G20)}, number = {4}, pages = {2029--2064}, title = {Adaptive invariant density estimation for continuous-time mixing {M}arkov processes under sup-norm risk}, url = {}, volume = {58}, year = {2022}, } preprints arXiv Statistical guarantees for denoising reflected diffusion models Asbjørn Holk, Claudia Strauch, and Lukas Trottner 2024 arXiv Bib @misc{hst24, title = {Statistical guarantees for denoising reflected diffusion models}, author = {Holk, Asbjørn and Strauch, Claudia and Trottner, Lukas}, year = {2024}, eprint = {2411.01563}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {math.ST}, } arXiv Multivariate change estimation for a stochastic heat equation from local measurements Anton Tiepner, and Lukas Trottner 2024 arXiv Bib @misc{tt24, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, author = {Tiepner, Anton and Trottner, Lukas}, eprint = {2409.15059}, primaryclass = {math.ST}, title = {Multivariate change estimation for a stochastic heat equation from local measurements}, year = {2024}, } arXiv Change point estimation for a stochastic heat equation Markus Reiß, Claudia Strauch, and Lukas Trottner 2023 arXiv Bib @misc{reiss23, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, author = {Rei{\ss}, Markus and Strauch, Claudia and Trottner, Lukas}, eprint = {2307.10960}, primaryclass = {math.ST}, title = {Change point estimation for a stochastic heat equation}, year = {2023}, }